Our Services

Coming Soon

Partial Hospitalization
This level of care consists of group and individual counseling for those who are not yet able to manage their sobriety on their own without near daily treatment engagement. Clients in this level can reside at home or in one of our recovery housing facilities.

Intensive Outpatient
At this level of care, individuals attend 1-3 group and individual counseling anywhere from 4-5 days or evenings a week, and we offer a hybrid of in-person and Telehealth options for convenience.

Group and individual counseling from 1-3 days a or evenings per week as your coping skills and knowledge have grown and you have begin to practice these skills on you own in the day-to-day living in recovery.

Peer Support
More Information Coming Soon

Continued Care
Bi-weekly or monthly sessions with your primary counseling one-on-one to begin you recovery journey on you own.

Alumni Community
More Information Coming Soon

Sober Living
More Information Coming Soon